The John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010

The John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010
John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010 | Photo by Deborah S. Greenhut

About Me

United States
Deborah S. Greenhut, PhD, is a playwright, arts documentarian, and educator who began teaching in a one-room school house in rural New England during 1970. These days you can find me collaborating with urban educators and students, seeking new ways to make education artful. I have consulted on management skills and communication arts in 44 of the United States and 5 provinces in Canada. I believe that people learn more effectively through drama-assisted instruction, and I exploit the Internet to deliver it. The views expressed here are entirely mine and not those of any other institution or organization.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

American Dreamers

Program "Live Your Dream!"--Photo by D. S. Greenhut

How do you get to the Radio City Music Hall? Practice, of course. And it doesn't hurt to get a little help from The Garden of Dreams Foundation, Chelsea-born Whoopi Goldberg, and Phoenix Partners Group, in partnership with MSG Entertainment, numerous children's foundations in New York and New Jersey, and their friends. Last night, courtesy of Phoenix partners, I had the privilege of attending the annual "Live Your Dream Talent Show" at Radio City Music Hall. Never mind the free popcorn and soda (the food police were conspicuously absent) for everyone in the hall, let us turn to the hard work of making dreams come true for children who are working against some major personal obstacles. 

Each child had a story to tell, yet the focus was on their dreams and their performing arts talents. Moves were busted. Rhymes were worded. That Michael Jackson remains an inspirational force was hailed in the many spangled glove tributes. Singer Miguel lent a hand to a beautiful rendition of "Pure Imagination" with the Garden of Dreams Choir. The Beastie Boys introduced several acts, and Darryl McDaniels kept everyone pumped for the closing acts. Shades of "Little Miss Sunshine," Radio City Music Hall is a huge stage, and two World Famous Rockettes, Afra Hines and Corrine Tighe, shared their courage, escorting the dreamers on and offstage with their megawatt warm smiles and energy.

The kids worked hard to get to this place. They set aside personal hardships and obstacles to make it happen. My most teary-eyed moment, among many, was the experience of the Kennedy Brothers, James and Michael, who are sons of a 911 Hero firefighter, represented the Uniformed Firefighters Association with a beautiful piano duet, "The Dreamland Tree." Though their sheet music would not stay put, they soldiered on without missing a note, and it melted your heart.

If you have ever had stage fright, you know what it takes to get up there. Imagine connecting with a crowd in Radio City--New York City--for your first big break.

The arts have given these children a sense of purpose and a reason to excel. The youngest performer, Oscar Saltaimacchia, led the opening number with the group by dancing off his five-year old legs, and the surprising skills just continued to the powerful concluding soloists, Faith Brown (accompanied by Isaiah Brown), Mariah Martinez, and the percussionist 3M's. All ages were represented against a beautiful LED backdrop of floating balloons and the moon.

Garden of Dreams keeps the arts a live option. May they keep a good thing going. Let us have more of these nights. The days won't seem so long.
"Live Your Dream" Finale | Photos by D. S. Greenhut

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