The John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010

The John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010
John Lennon Peace Wall | Prague 2010 | Photo by Deborah S. Greenhut

About Me

United States
Deborah S. Greenhut, PhD, is a playwright, arts documentarian, and educator who began teaching in a one-room school house in rural New England during 1970. These days you can find me collaborating with urban educators and students, seeking new ways to make education artful. I have consulted on management skills and communication arts in 44 of the United States and 5 provinces in Canada. I believe that people learn more effectively through drama-assisted instruction, and I exploit the Internet to deliver it. The views expressed here are entirely mine and not those of any other institution or organization.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bob Dylan: Musing about Freedom of Speech

Regarding the recent Maureen Dowd high horse about the politics of Bob Dylan allowing his play list to be censored in China, let me just say that I am hoping for a new flash of inspiration on the order of the 1987 rush that delivered the content of Oh Mercy. I refer you specifically to Everything is Broken, and I hope that my favorite lyrical gangster will turn his muse to the issue of the selling and slaughter of Chinese children to sustain the nation's economic miracle. It matters less that Bob Dylan brings his artistry to China than what he does when he returns home. I remain wordlessly  Waiting for the Song, not to mention Waiting on the World to Change.

1 comment:

  1. You can't sell out if you've never bought in. And Dylan's been saying forever that he never bought in. Dowd only heard what she wanted to hear.

    Must everyone be political?
